

All component drawings and NC punch programs produced automatically (no drawing or NC programming required.

Our rules-based approach allows for detailed configuration of every detail of the punching process.  We set up the system to see that your punching preferences are implemented.  We have almost 30 years of dedicated involvement in NC punch programming and have developed sophisticated tools that enable us to accomplish this.

  • Do you profile around the part edge (below left)?  Are tabs required or special tools used?
  • Do you punch out the entire miter (below right)? If so, how are the hits optimized?

Before delivery, we configure the system to reflect these preferences. The result is that they control system output and correct NC programs are automatically generated with NO USER INTERACTION.

Special Tooling

Customer-specific tools are also automatically placed where appropriate. Required NC machine codes are also automatically inserted as per customer preference.


TOOL PATH ORIENTATION – This field is the angle of the specific punching path that a tool will follow.

Horizontal and Vertical punching paths are self-explanatory. Leave-as-is instructs the system to adhere to the punching order passed down from the automatic programming module.

TOOL PATH WIDTH – The Range control modifies and gives definition to Orientation.  If Orientation specifies a Horizontal path, how much vertical movement is allowed in the path?  The diagram illustrates this point. Applied correctly, this is a powerful control an can reduce machine run-time.

In this diagram, it would be desirable to either decrease the range so that only one row of holes was addressed on each pass, or, increase it so that all four rows are punched with each pass.

COLUMN START / ROW STARTColumn Start effects whether punching begins on the left or right side of the blank. Row Start addresses whether the top or bottom serves as the starting point.  Additionally, for Column Start, the system offers the Left Every and Right Every option. The system default is to punch in the most efficient manner, that is, to snake down the part as shown.

UNI-DIRECTIONAL or BI-DIRECTIONAL - If Right Every (in Column Start) is invoked, however, the path would appear as shown in the diagram to the right. The path is forced to begin on the right for each pass, and to punch to the left.



[Streamlines Manuf] [Input and Results] [Automatic Punch] [Listing_Sheets]